Key Benefits of Financial Data
Forward-looking statement
Monthly Sales
Information about monthly operating revenue that Taiwan listed companies should disclose the previous month sales before the 10th of every month.
Forward-looking Statement
Listed companies in Taiwan will voluntarily publish forward-looking financial data on the investor meeting or the website of the Taiwan Stock Exchange. Starting in 2024, all listed companies in Taiwan must disclose a pre-review of the annual financial report before March 15.
Financial Statements
Financial data is the key to measuring the performance of enterprises, helping investors better understand the physical fitness of the enterprise, and further make investment decisions. Besides the three major financial statements, TEJ database also includes the details of financial report.
Data Introduction
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Data coverage
Data frequency
Key fields
Data coverage
Data frequency
Key fields
Data coverage
Data frequency
Key fields
Data coverage
Data frequency
Key fields
The content includes Monthly Sales、Monthly Sales YoY%、Monthly Sales MoM%、Highest Monthly Sales、Announcement Date、Net Income、Forcasted Sale, etc.
Data coverage
Data frequency
Key fields
The content includes Announced Date、Net Sales、Gross Profit、Operating Income、Net Income、Earning Per Share, etc.
Data coverage
Taiwan/Hong Kong/China/Japan/South Korea
Data frequency
Quarterly / Semiannual / Annual
Key fields
The content includes assets、debts、Shareholder's Equity'、Operating Revenue、cost、earnings per share (EPS)、ROA、ROE, etc.