Professional Consultancy Services

Valuation Analytics Solution

We offer specialized evaluation services based on high-quality databases and a verifiable assessment process.

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"What is Valuation Analytics Solution"

TEJ accesses the service platform of a financial technology institution through IDV, providing IP Valuation Services. The TEJ team includes multiple Certified Valuation Analysts (CVA) for evaluation and analysis. From conducting pre-engagement requirement interviews to assisting with external expert consultations and management inquiries after case completion, we offer you a comprehensive and impartial one-stop evaluation consultancy service.

Why You Need Valuation Analytics Solution

Financial Reporting and Transactional Purpose Valuation:

Financial Reporting and Transactional Purpose Valuation:

  • We assess the purpose and value premise for your company, assisting in expressing financial statements at fair value.
  • We also provide support as a basis for determining the reasonableness of transaction prices.

Intangible Asset Valuation:

  • We assist your business in understanding the value of assets to facilitate organizational resource planning and management.



Financial Instrument Valuation:

  • We assist your business in identifying the fair value of financial assets and instruments.



Our Advantages

  • 超過10年以上的會計和評價經驗

    Over 10 Years of Experience in Accounting and Valuation

    • TEJ’s evaluation team consists of professionals in industry analysis, financial analysis, and value assessment.
    • Our team members hold certifications from esteemed organizations such as the National Association of Certified Valuators and Analysts (NACVA), the Chinese Association for Business Intangible Assets and Enterprise Valuation (CABIAV), and have completed the Seed Instructors Certification Program in Intangible Asset Valuation conducted by the Industrial Technology Research Institute (ITRI).
    • In 2020, TEJ was registered as a qualified provider of IP3 Intangible Asset Valuation Services by the Industrial Development Bureau of the Ministry of Economic Affairs.
  • 業界最齊全、精準的財金資料庫基底

    The Most Comprehensive and Accurate Financial and Economic Database in the Industry

    • A comprehensive database encompassing macroeconomic, financial, stock price, and market factor data.
    • TEJ employs precise industry classification to identify the most suitable comparable company samples.
    • We provide historical valuation results and selected parameters.
  • 專業的數據調整及常規化處理

    Professional Data Adjustment and Normalization Processing

    • Transparent computation process with verifiable evaluation parameters and results.
    • Comprehensive integration of parameters reduces data acquisition and calculation costs.

Our Research and Development

The most trusted financial solutions in Asia.

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